COVID-19 recovery may be a long, tough challenge

After reading my previous two critical posts on mass testing , you may have got an impression that I tend to see COVID-19 and its causal pathogen as just another contagious disease and just another common bug which plague us on these fall and winter days. But it's not! Similar to influenza, COVID-19 falls into the set of the most dangerous infectious conditions present in the developed world. Recently, a nice and very important paper by my colleagues Thomas Sonnweber and Sabina Sahanic was issued in the prominent European Respiratory Journal (DOI: 10.1183/13993003.03481-2020 , open full text) with may tiny contribution as a data analyst. Interestingly, it seems to be one of a handful stories which investigate the recovery of COVID-19 individuals, both those with mild 'cold-like' symptoms and hospitalized patients, in a systematic way with a spectrum of quality-of-life parameters and hard-figure lung/heart function and imaging parameters. Let's have a brief look at the m...