Just another R programming blog?

There are many blogs and community portals devoted to data science, data crunching, statistics and coding with the workhorses of data scientists, R and Python. So you may wonder what motivates me to found another one.
The first reason is to share my experiences with real-life data analysis and, often unusual,  R (and in part Python) programing solutions which may make your life of a data professional or hobbyist easier. I suppose, you are not looking for programming basics - if so, there are better addresses in the Web, like Stack Overflow, the generic R or R Studio help. If you are looking for detailed information on tools, their code and bugs, you'll better visit GitHub. This blog is rather about coding solutions which may help make your scripts clearer, more efficient and versatile and present your projects' results in a visually compelling way.

The second reason is to aid you at understanding some phenomena of our data-oriented world. The very special COV-19 year 2020 has exposed everyone of us to an avalanche of data and hard-core terms of epidemiology. Even further, these figures and data available to everyone started to impact on politics, society, health system and our freedom in an unprecedented way. As a person with a hands-on experience in life science, infection research and immunology, I'll try every now and then to share my views in that matter: 100% free of any conspiracy theories, I promise!

Finally, this new blog is thought to make the work, findings and publications of my colleagues and myself more visible and comprehensive.

So far for the introduction - enjoy the posts!


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